Saahil Hamayun Profile Picture

Saahil Hamayun

Hi, I'm Saahil

I'm a software engineer with a focus in full stack web development. A scientist by nature, I graduated from McGill in 2019 with a Bachelor of Software Engineering & a minor in Philosophy. I've been working as a software engineer at Yelp for past couple of years. Before that, in order of recency, I did some freelancing, spent some time at a startup, and did some volunteer research for one of my professors. You can find more information on my experience and professional skillset through the projects section below and through my resume.



I developed a web app to manage project scheduling and task distribution while working at Lux PM (now Luxolis).

JSX Lite

To better understand the virtual DOMs used by modern front end libraries, I developed a lightweight jsx2html transpiler.

JSX Lite Visit


I used React to create a Tetris implementation. I occasionally update this after inspiration from discussions with my brother.

Tetris Visit


I created the Graduate Attribute Management System (GAMS) used by the Engineering Faculty at McGill for program accreditation analysis.

Classroom Friend

I made a webtool to help break communication barriers within the classroom.

Classroom Friend

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